Fluid sampling, clean and easy

Preventive maintenance & environmental control

How to best use the fluid sampler

By following the instructions below, you can ensure your sampling process is both swift and secure, minimizing the risk of spills or overfilling. Additionally, there will be no need to clean the pump between tasks.
Important! Ensure the pump is positioned higher than the fluid surface you are sampling from to prevent siphoning and potential overflow.

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Cut a suitable length of tub from the tube roll. Make an angled cut. This will prevent the tube from adhering to the walls.


Put one end of the tube into the fluid you wish to sample. It is advisable to use a pointer to locate the precise spot.


Loosen the pump screw connection and push the opposite end of the tube through the pump head until it is visible by approx. 1 cm on the other side. In doing so, no oil can enter the pump and the oil will flow into the bottle unhindered. Secure the system by tightening the screw connection.


Screw off the lid on the bottle and screw the bottle onto the pump thread.


Make two or three quick strokes to generate vacuum, then press the piston inward. This action will allow the bottle to be filled. Ensure the bottle remains upright and positioned above the fluid surface you are sampling.


Loosen the screw and pull out the tube. Important, to prevent contamination of the next sample, cut or clean the tube before removing it from the pump. You are now ready to take the next sample, without need for cleaning of the pump.